
Friday, December 12, 2008


Last night my wife and I got to get a little dressed up and head downtown to the Detroit River.  For all its bad character flaws, Detroit still has retained some beauty through its rough history. We went downtown in search of a auto Glitz and a little Glamour at a book signing event with an extraordinary view through the historic automobile age.  She had put together a fascinating book filled with photos and insight into the model world of the Auto Industry.  My wife has been involved in the spokesmodel end of the auto shows throughout the country for around 6-7 years.  We had a really enjoyable evening with just the two of us.  I really enjoyed the after party which consisted of my wife, walking around looking beautiful as always and me with a camera hot on her trail (The theme song for the night "She got legs" by ZZTop running through my mind).  I love to photo my wife.

I get to see many perspectives and different SIDES to my gorgeous wife.  I really like the backside... VERY photogenic. ;-)  

We rounded off the night with some drive thru take out food and a car ride filled with the voice of Bella in Twilight discovering Edward's ability to shine and shimmer in a field of sunlight.  It's all good... LIFE IS GOOD!


Tabitha Blue said...

I love you babe, and I love spending time with you!!!! It was a great evening ;)

Antoinette Marie said...

don't hold back chris...tell us how you really feel, lol! also, of all tab's fabulous clothing choices, those heels rock the most! nice pics dude! blessings...